SBIRT Training
SBIRT in Colorado provides no-cost interactive two hour trainings for health and mental health professionals. The trainings educates providers on how to implement screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment in their care setting. Continuing education credits are available for nurses, social workers, pharmacists, and physicians.
Training content includes:
Information on national and state-level effects of substance use on public health
Information about the relationship between an individual’s substance use and their health outcomes
Basic motivational interviewing principles and techniques
An explanation of the SBIRT process including the brief negotiated interview approach to brief interventions
Opportunities to practice each step of the SBIRT process
Continuing education credits are available upon completion
To schedule a training in your community or organization, email SBIRTinfo@peerassistanceservices.org, or click one of the dates highlighted on the SBIRT Training Calendar to register for a scheduled training.
SBIRT Training Calendar
*The planners and faculty have no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies pertaining to the content presented in this program.

Technical Assistance
SBIRT technical assistance can be provided by phone, email, or zoom to clinics, hospitals, and other organizations. Topics include:
Clinical/Operational Workflow Assessment
SBIRT in specific populations: women, adolescents, and older adults
SBIRT for marijuana use
SBIRT for safe medication prescribing
Motivational Interviewing coaching for staff
Substance use disorder treatment resources
Utilization of technology to support SBIRT implementation
Development of SBIRT champions and trainers within an organization
For technical assistance inquiries, contact SBIRTinfo@peerassistanceservices.org